CLRKEN Autumn Plenary meeting and Joint PCC-EuroGeographics Workshop. Rīga, Latvia.
- 1_Anete_Mara_Harkevica_Importance of Cadastral data in Mass Appraisal (Cadastral valuation) process
- 2_Jolien_Neckebroeck_Valuation of properties abroad Belgium
- 3_Thomas_Guegan_Modernising the French Cadastre_Dematerialisation of land procedures
- 4_Elisabeth_Lundgren_Olsson_Magdalena_Andersson_A more secure and efficient property register
- 5_Irma_Lähetkangas_Improving the accuracy of the boundaries in cadaster map using crowdsourcing
- 6_Kinga_Dombiova_From Analog to Digital Modernizing Slovakias Cadastral Information System
- 8_Priit Kuus_My Cadastre, e-services for landowners
- 241121-DevelopmentsInCadastralSystems-Germany
- Day1_CLRKEN_PCC_Sandra_Presentation_SLS
- Day1_CLRKEN_PCC_Vents_Presentation_SLS
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting. Bruges, Belgium.
Session 1
- 01 - Els Dewulf - PCC_Brugge_Presentation_Alternatief
- 02 - Jolien Neckebroeck - Results of the Questionnaire 2
- 03 - Tine Vande Casteele - Woningpas_Cadastre_EU__PCC_20240618
- 04 - Ingrid Vanden Berghe - 20240618_PCC
- 05 - Patricia Sokacova - 20240618_Session1_EuroGeographics updates-PSokacova 1
Session 2
- 06 - Nele Vanhoutte - 24_06_18_CLGE_PCC_Bruges_BE_v0.0
- 07 - Andersson Magdalena - High value data, gdpr and cadastral legislation.pptx - Skrivskyddad
- 08 - Vents Priedoliņš - VZD_PCC_Brige_June2024_NEW (1)
- 09 - Anna Bober and Marcin Grudzien - GUGiK_PCC_GDPR_10
- 10 - Pia Åbo Østergaard - PCC præsentation juni 2024
Session 3
- 11 - Aurélien Thauvin - Présentation MM
- 12 - Hans Soderblom - Sweden_Mass_Valuation_Hans_Soderblom_20240618_ver10_
- 13 - Rocio Rodriguez Molina - Spanish_Cadaster_Market_Observatory
- 14 - Andrej Glavica - PCC Brugge 2024 Slovenia
- 15 - Makarenko - PCC_Brugge_June_17_19_2024_final
Session 4
- 16 - Elly Johannes - The use of AI - PCC Kadaster NL juni 2024
- 17 - Joep Crompvoets - Artificial Intelligence in the public sector – Hype or hit (1)
- 18 - Thomas Guégan - Using_and_harnessing_artificial_intelligence_in_the_cadastre
- 19 - Paulo Agostinho Torrinha - DGT-Portugal for PCC-Belgium
Session 5
- PPT 20 - Magdalena and Amalia - Framework for effective land administration (FELA) in PCC2024 (1)
- 22 - Papadaki and Lolonis - Pan-European Strategy for Open Cadastral Maps in Europe
Session 6
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting. Madrid, Spain.
Presentación Asamblea Plenaria viernes 27.10 a las 12.30 horas.
Session 1
- Sesión I. Ponencia 1. María Isabel García Vaquero.
- Sesión I. Ponencia 2. Luis Gonzalez Carpio.
- Sesión I. Ponencia 3. Miguel Ancochea Nodal.
Session 2
Session 3
- Sesión III. Ponencia 1. Jolien Neckebroeck.
- Sesión III. Ponencia 3. Pekka Halme.
- Sesión III. Ponencia 4. Vents Priedolins.
- Sesión III. Ponencia 5. Dusan Mitrovic.
- Sesión III. Ponencia 6. Hans Söderblom.
- Sesion III. Ponencia 7. Sherii Prokopenko.
Session 5
- Sesión V. Ponencia 1. Patricia Sokacova.
- Sesión V. Ponencia 2. Jose Miguel Rubio.
- Sesión V. Ponencia 4. Jean Ives Pirlot.
Session 6
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting. Gävle, Sweden.
- Susanne Ås Sivborg - Welcome and Introduction to Lantmäteriet
- Elene Negussie - UNESCO, World Heritage Sites in Sweden, National Heritage Board
- Marika Ström - The Swedish Real property register and its importance in society
- Andreas Rönnberg - National Laser Scanning Program
- Ümit Yildiz, General Directorate of Cadastre, TÜrkyies leading institution - yesterday, today and in the future
Session 1
- Bengt Kjellson - A more accessible and a more secure register
- Ümit Yildiz - Disaster Management and Cadastre in Türkiye, Experiences from Kahramanmaras Earthquakes, February 6th 2023
- Dmytro Makarenko - Re-thinking authorized data openness: functioning of national geoportals during martial law
- Per-Anders Olsson, Postglacial rebound . still recovering from the last ice age
Session 2 - Information Security and openness - Availability and accessibility
- 2-1 Jolien Neckebroek - Security on real estate transactions by pre-identification of the property: Pre-Cad
- 2-2 Vents Priedolins - A year after opening of data: expectations versus reality
- 2-3 Branka Vorel Jurčević - Open Data and webservices
Session 3 - Prosperity and sustainability, role of Cadastral Authorities - Cadastre and marine domains
- 3-1 Julius Ernst - The economic importance of the Cadastre in Austria
- 3-2 Pekka Halme - Finland, Cadastre has many functions
Session 4 - Updates from Partner Organisations - International activities
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic.
Minute of the Plenary and of the Steering Committee
Tuesday November 22nd 2022
Opening Session:
- Welcome speech and introduction of the CUZK activities from Karel Večeře, President of the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre.
- Presentation of the results of the PCC Questionnaire. Daniel Steudler, Chair of CLRKEN.
- Questions via slido and from the room
I Session – Cadastral Contribution to Infrastructure Development Moderator Jaroslav Bačina
- CZ - Digital Map of Public Administration and Digital Technical Map - project and first experience - Karel Štencel, CUZK Vice-president
- CH - Cadastre for Public Law Restrictions and Utilities - Marc Nicodet, Swisstopo
- TR - The Role of Land Registry and Cadastre System regarding Infrastructure Development and Challenges in Turkey - Umit Yildiz, General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre
- SI- Slovenian »Public infrastructure Cadastre« - its establishment and its upgrade in progress– Uroš Alič, Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia
II Session – Environmental Goals and Role of Cadastral Organizations Moderator Daniel Steudler:
- CZ - Basic state registers - RÚIAN role, content, connection to the cadastre – Vladimíra Žufanová , Head of the ICT Department in CUZK
- ES - Energy Efficiency of Buildings and GEOE3 project - Francisco Javier Luque, General Directorate for the Cadastre
- FI - Helping Build Sustainability – for both Natural and Man-made Environment- Pekka Halme, National Land Survey
- P - The new Legal Regime for Cadastre and Its Challenges - Paolo Torinha, Directorate General for Territory - online
Wednesday November 23rd 2022
III Session – Data Protection – Information Openness and Security Issues – Electronic Identity as a Tool? Moderator Julius Ernst:
- CZ - Open data in the CUZK Branch vs. Electronic Identification -Veronika Kůsová, Department of Data Management in CUZK
- SK - Provision of Real Estate Cadastre in the Light of Personal Data Protection - Róbert Jakubáč, Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority
- BE - Belgian Electronic Identification System - Cedric Jacmain, General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation
- NL -Sharing Data-Bridging the Gap between Personal and Cadastral Dataspaces - Martin Salzmann, Kadaster
- GR - Crowdsourced and open data in the Hellenic cadastre - Dimitrios Stathakis
IV Session – Updates from Partner Organisations, Observers and Open Maps – slido discussion Moderator Martin Salzmann
- 1_SE_Infrastructure_for_Transportation_and_Energy,_the_Role_of_the_Cadastre_in_the_Processes_Prag_2022
- UA -State Land Cadastre Functioning under Martial Law in Ukraine - Dmytro Makarenko, Deputy Chairman, StateGeoCadastre - online
- CLGE - A semestrial update of the CLGE Projects, with an emphasis on infrastructure, Jean-Yves PIRLOT, CLGE Director General
- EG – EuroGeographics updates - Patricia Sokáčová, EuroGeographics
Plenary meeting:
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting. Paris, France.
Presentations Day 1
- Results of the Questionnaire. Daniel Steudler.
- Pilot verification of the use of unmanned aerial systems in cadastral mapping – case study. Jaroslav Bacina.
- 3D Spanish Cadastre. Amalia Velasco, Laura Garcia de Marina.
- Lidar data : innovation perspectives for cadastre. Raphaële Henot.
- The use of artificial intelligence to update the French land registry and tax bases. Bachir Chikhi.
- A precision cadastre for local public action responding to the challenges of the ecological transition. Olivier Banaszak and Sébastien Wehrle.
- Cadastral data as a pivotal component for evidence based decision making. Martin Salzmann.
- Contribution of the Cadastre to public services. Julius Ernst.
- Developing a modern system of cadastre and land registration. Victor Grigorescu.
- Cadastral data opening in Latvia. Vents Priedolins.
- Hellenic Cadastre digital data and services. Dimitrios Stathakis.
Presentations Day 2
- Getting the Green Deal done – how NMCAs can help . Björn Degel.
- Balancing open data, digitalization and security issues. Magdalena Andersson, Gunnar Ersbo.
- Finnish Perspective on How Land Administration Data Can Be Made to Good Use. Pekka Halme.
- Open Maps for Europe – how can you get involved?. Patricia Sokacova.
- UNECE Working Party on Land Administration – recent and planned activities. Fredrik Zetterquist.
- The ELRD : boosting legal certainty to cross borders transactions. Accesibility, interoperability, environmental limitations. Francisco J Gimeno.
- CLGE – Working for the profession. Jean-Yves Pirlot.
- Introduction to the Czech Presidency of PCC. Svatava Dokoupilova.
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting. Ljubljana.
Link to slovenian presidency topics is:
Letter with mesage about Slovenian presidency
The registration for the upcoming PCC Conference jointly organized by the Slovenian PCC Presidency and the CLRKEN of EuroGeographics is open now. It is available on the EuroGeographics website .
Day 1
- Digital dimension of the Recovery and Resilience Program and relevant results from ELISE. Francesco Pignatelli and Peter Ulrich
- The technical Process RPCU. Franck Guillaume and Martine Caussanel
- Real Property Register – a crucial component!. Magdalena Andersson, Gunnar Ersbo
- Results of the Questionnaire. Daniel Steudler
- Informatisation in the field of geodesy and cartography on the example of GUGiK activity during Covid-19. Ewa Surma
- Becoming Green, Digital, and Resilient – Implementing the NLS Strategy. Pekka Halme
- Digital Transformation of Environment and Space. Mateja Urbančič
- Renovation of real estate records of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. Ema Pogorelčnik
- Methodology used in the positional improvement of graphic data of the land cadastre. Marjan Čeh
Day 2
- UNECE Working Party on Land Administration – recent and planned activities. Fredrik Zetterquist
- ELRA and Land Registries during and after the Pandemic. Jan Moerkerke
- UNGGIM Europe activities for digital geospatial data ecosystem. Carol Agius
- EuroGeographics updates. Patricia Sokacova
- Use of cadastral data for monitoring and recovering from the Volcano catastrophe in La Palma. Fernando Serrano
- Changes in the National Cadastral Information System (SNIC) and actions supported by Resilience and Recovery Program. Paulo Torrinha
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting. Lisboa.
Welcoming Note about what to expect from the Portuguese PCC Presidency
Agenda Lisboa, 26 and 27 May 2021
You can find the registration web pg at:
Opening of the Joint PCC and EuroGeographics CLRKEN webinar and welcome speeches
João Catarino, Secretary of State for Nature Conservation, Forests and Territorial Planning.
Fernanda do Carmo, Director-General for Territory. Léa Bodossian, Secretary General and Executive Director, EuroGeographics.
The Portuguese cadastral state of art and challenges
Tributary and Customs Authority [AT]. Nuno Miguel Félix (Deputy Director-General)
Institute of Registries and Notaries [IRN].Filomena Gaspar Rosa (President)
[e-Bupi] – Simplified Land Digital Registry Mission Unit. Pedro Tavares (General Coordinator)
SESSION 1: Land Administration Systems in Europe. Moderator: Julius Ernst
Summary of Questionnaire results (Parts 1 and 3). Daniel Steudler
Questions and Answers. Questions via using event code
SESSION 2: Innovations in Cadastre and Land Registration. Moderator Pekka Halme
13:00 – 13:15 Summary of Questionnaire (Part 2). Daniel Steudler (EuroGeographics)
Spatial Open Data Management Portal in Lithuania – REGIA. Laura Vaitiekunaite (Lithuania)
Strategic Plan of Spanish Cadastre for Rural Territory. Amalia Velasco (Spain)
SMOS – Land Cover Monitoring System.Mário Caetano (Portugal)
Questions and Answers. Questions via using event code
SESSION 3: Cadastral Systems Facing the Climate Change. Moderator: Amalia Velasco
Cadastral Map as the basis for decarbonised economy. Ganna Tkachenko (Ukraine)
Cadastral and topographic information as a foundation for planning, enabling and securing ownership in solar and wind-based facilities. Martin Salzmann and Laris Noordegraaf (Netherlands)
Questions and Answers. Questions via using event code
SESSION 4: Information from Partner Organizations. Moderator: Daniel Steudler
09:00 – 09:15. United Nations - Global Geospatial Information Management [UN-GGIM]. Tomaž Petek
09:15 – 09:30. Working Party on Land Administration [WPLA]. Fredrik Zetterquist (tbc)
Questions and Answers. Questions via using event code
SESSION 5: Cadastre and Decarbonisation (Panel Discussion). Moderator: Martin Salzmann
10:00 – 10:15. Summary of Questionnaire (Part 4). Paulo Torrinha (Portugal)
Introduction to the Discussion Panel. Martin Salzmann
Discussion Panel - Cadastre contributions for a low carbon economy and society. Marco Paínho (Portugal). Magdalena Andersson and Gunnar Ersbo (Sweden). Ramona Kurstedt (AdV Germany)
SESSION 6: PCC Plenary Meeting. Speaker (Portugal)
1. Opening
2. Report on the Portuguese Presidency of PCC
3. Introduction to the Slovenia Presidency of PCC
4. Handover of the PCC flag
5. Closing of the webinar
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting. Munich.
Conference and Plenary Programme PCC second semester 2020.
Minutes Plenary German presidence 2020
Conference and Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union (PCC). Munich, Germany
Tuesday, 3 November
09:00 – 10:00 Opening Session
Welcome Message. AdV-Chair
220 Years at the Cutting Edge of Technology – The Bavarian Cadastre. Michael Stockwald (DE)
The SDGs and the German Cadastre. Björn Degel (DE)
10:10 – 11:10 Session 1
AAA – Future Trends in the Cadastre. Markus Seifert (DE)
Land Registration Systems and SDGs: 1part, 2part. Harald Wilsch (DE)
Legal Security of the Cadastre supporting Sustainability. Julius Ernst (AT)
13:0 – 14:20 Session 2
Keynote: Cadastre and Land Registries: Shaping the SDGs. Greg Scott (UNSD)
Results of the Questionnaire on SDGs in Relation to Cadastral Systems: 1part, 2part. Daniel Steudler (CLRKEN)
14:30 – 15:30 Session 3
Land Registration as an Instrument for the Fight against Poverty. Jan Moerkerke (ELRA)
The New Geodata Strategy and the SDGs. Magdalena Andersson, Patrik Blom (SE)
SDGs Revisited – It is not always Obvious but there is a Connection to what an NMCA does. Pekka Halme (FI)
15:30 Closure day one AdV-Secr. General
Wednesday, November 4
09:00 – 10:10 Session 4
European Strategy for Data and where Cadastral Data fit in. Marjana Zelić (EuroGeographics)
The Relevance of EuroGeographics’ Cadastral Index Map. Amalia Velasco (ES;CLR KEN)
How valuable are large scale High Value Datasets for People, Profit and Planet?. Martin Salzmann (NL)
Quality Education through Easy and Open Access to Spatial, Data incl. Cadastral Data. Ewa Surma (PL)
Romanian Land Registry – Digitalization, Progress, Usefulness. Eduard Gherghe (RO)
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting. Zagreb.
Conference and Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union (PCC). Zagreb, Croatia.
June 16
10:00 - 10:15 Opening of the Joint PCC and EuroGeographics CLRKEN webinar and welcome speeches. Damir Šantek, Director General of the State Geodetic. ,ministration. Mick Cory, Secretary General and Executive Director, EuroGeographic
SESSION I: Use cases Croatia: Moderator: Sanja Zekušić, State Geodetic Administration, Croatia
10:15 - 10:30 Croatia: Efforts, challenges, and progress made in spatial data openness in Croatia. Iva Gašparović, State Geodetic Administration
10:30 - 10:45 Denmark: Basic Data Initiative and the Data Distributor. Leif Hernø, Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency
10:45 - 10:55 Questions and Answers. Questions via using event code #PCC-CLR
SESSION II: International activities. Moderator: Sanja Zekušić, State Geodetic Administration, Croatia
10:55 - 11:10 UN-GGIM: How the Framework for Effective Land Administration (FELA) address economic aspects of land administration
11:10 - 11:25 FIG: Common Data Integration Concept for Geodata Infrastructures.Daniel Steudler, Swiss Federal Office of Topography
11:25 - 11:35 Questions and Answers.Questions via using event code #PCC-CLR
SESSION III: Use cases. Moderator: Sanja Zekušić, State Geodetic Administration, Croatia
13:30 - 13:45 Poland: Changes in access to cadastral data based on the amendment to geodetic and cartographic law. Ewa Surma, Rafa Władziski, Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography
13:45 - 14:00 Ukraine: Increasing transparancy and data availability with cadastre 2.0. Dmytro Makarenko, State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre
14:00 - 14:15 Sweden: Lantmäteriets work with wildfires 2014 and 2018 Magdalena Andersson and Gunnar Ersbo, Lantmäteriet
14:15 - 14:30 Questions and Answers Questions via using event code #PCC-CLR
14:30 - 15:15 PCC Steering Committee meeting – closed session
June 17
10:00 - 10:05 nd Opening and introduction to the 2 day of the webinar
SESSION IV: Use cases. Moderator: Daniel Steudler, CLRKEN
10:05 - 10:20 The Netherlands: The economic impact of the corona-crisis on the land market. Martin Salzmann, Netherlands' Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency
10:20 - 10:35 Germany: Improvement of land administration data and services - measures to meet customer requirements. Peter Creuzer, State Agency for Geoinformation and State Survey Lower Saxony (LGLN)
10:35 - 10:45 Questions and Answers. Questions via using event code #PCC-CLR
SESSION V: International activities . Moderator: Daniel Steudler, CLRKEN
10:45 - 11:00 Real Estate Registration and Cadastre: Practical lessons and experiences from implementing successful reforms around the world. Gavin Adlington and Robin McLaren
11:00 - 11:10 CLRKEN: Results of the questionnaire on open data in land administration in Europe. Daniel Steudler, Swiss Federal Office of Topography
11:10 - 11:25 EuroGeographics: Cadastral related EU context - state of play. Mick Cory, EuroGeographics
11:25 - 11:35 Questions and Answers. Questions via using event code #PCC-CLR
SESSION VI: PCC Plenary meeting . Moderator: Maja Pupačić, State Geodetic Administration, Croatia
11:35 - 12:15 Report of the Croatian presidency, Maja Pupačić. Introduction to the German Presidency of PCC. Handover of the PCC flag to the Germany representative Closing of the webinar
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting. Helsinki.
Conference and Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union (PCC). Helsinki, Finland.
Tuesday, Nov 19
19:30 - Ice-breaker
Wednesday, Nov 20
8:30 – Registration of participants
9:00 – 10:15 Opening Session
- Jaana Husu-Kallio, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
- Arvo Kokkonen, Director General, National Land Survey, Cadastre and Mapping Agency Turned into Maintainer of Society’s Basic Infrastructure
- Marjut Mustonen, Head of Customer journeys and products, Banking Development, Danske Bank A/S, Reinventing financial industry for consumers´ benefit – towards digital housing journey together with authorities
10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break, group photo
10:45 – 12:15 Session 1, Moderator Martin Salzmann, the Netherlands
- Finland: Data APIs Accelerating the Property Transaction Ecosystem – Lessons Learnt, Juha Tuomaala, Deputy Director General, ICT Services, National Land Survey
- Sweden: Sustainable and smart societies – conveyancing and the real property register, Magdalena Andersson, Business Developer, Lantmäteriet
- Spain: The Role of the Spanish Cadastre in the Real Estate Conveyancing, Amalia Velasco, Spanish Directorate General for Cadastre
- Belgium: Partnerships in Belgian real estate information transfers, Jolien Neckebroeck, (Attaché) Project Manager and Real Estate Valuations Coordinator, FPS Finance Belgium
12:15 – 13:15 Lunch
13:15 – 14:45 Session 2, Moderator Julius Ernst, Austria
- Poland: Cadastral Information in Poland – latest activities, Ewa Surma/Rafal Władziński, Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography
- Czech Republic: The Role of the Czech Cadastre in the Environment Protection Issue, Jaroslav Bačina, Regional Director, Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre ČÚZK
- Greece: Managing change in the Greek conveyancing ecosystem, Dimitris Rokos, Director of Planning & Maria Kasapi, Director of Cadastre, Hellenic Cadastre
- Germany: Real Estate Cadastre - Recent Developments at Federal and Länder Level, Peter Creuzer, Director, LGLN, Lower Saxony
14:45 – 15:15 Coffee break
15:15 – 16:45 Session 3, Moderator Pekka Halme, Finland
- CLGE: European Requirements for Property (Cadastral) Surveyor Activities - Revision of 2019, Vladimir Tikhonov, Secretary General
- Italy: The Real Estate Conveyancing in Italy: Cadastre, Land Registration and Real Estate Market Monitoring systems, Filippo Cadamuro, Head Office for Cadastral Services and Inspections Coordination, WPLA Bureau
- WPLA: Stakeholder engagement through scenario study on future land administration, Fredrik Zetterquist, Chair of the UNECE WPLA, University of Gävle, Sweden
- WPLA: Fraud and the impact of emerging technology, Fredrik Zetterquist, Sweden
16:55 – 17:30 Steering Committee meeting
19:00 Transport or alternatively walk to restaurant Sipuli
19:30 Dinner,,
Thursday, Nov 21
8:30 – 10:00 Session 4, Moderator Dimitris Rokos, Greece
- Bulgaria: Creation and the maintenance of the cadastre in Bulgaria, Stefan Petrov, PhD, Head of Directorate "IT and Spatial Data", Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency
- Switzerland: Macro-economic Dimensions of Swiss Cadastre, Daniel Steudler, Swisstopo, EG CLR KEN
- Croatia: Registering a special legal regime in the cadastre and land registry as a contribution to more efficient management of protected areas, Maja Pupačić, Head of Sector, State Geodetic Administration
- Estonia: Improving the quality of cadastral data specifying the area of the parcel, Priit Kuus, Head of Information and Development Department of Cadastre, Estonian Land Board
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 – 12:00 Session 5, Moderator Daniel Steudler, Switzerland
- EuroGeographics: EuroGeographics updates after the General Assembly 2019, Patricia Sokacova, Membership and Communication Manager, CLR KEN CC member
- Netherlands: Will data, data, data be the new mantra instead of location, location, location in the property market? Martin Salzmann, Strategy Lead, Dutch Kadaster
- Lithuania: Digitalization of the construction process in Lithuania. Possibilities for innovations, Arvydas Dotas, Head of Innovations Division, State Enterprise Centre of Registers
- Finland: From actions to impact - digitalisation of future land use plans, Jaana Mäkelä, Sales director, Spatineo Oy
12:00 – 12:05 Wrap-up
12:05 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 15:00 Plenary Meeting
- Opening
- Admission of observers: The State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre has applied to be accepted as observer through a letter dated October 29, 2019
- Results of the Working Group on PCC statute review
- Report on the Finnish Presidency of PCC
- Introduction to the Croatian Presidency of PCC
- Handover of the PCC flag to the Croatian representatives
- Closing
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting. Bucharest.
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting. Bucharest, Romania “The Economic Impact of Cadastre for the Society”
June 06, 2019
09:00 – 10:00 Registration of participants
10:00 – 10:30 Opening speeches
- Radu Codruţ ŞTEFĂNESCU, President – Director General of ANCPI
- Vasile Daniel SUCIU, Deputy Prime-minister, Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration
- Mihai BUSUIOC, President of the Court of Accounts of Romania
10:30 – 11:15 Coffee break and group photo
11:15 – 12:45 Session 1, Moderator
- Romania - "Cadastre: a Solid Foundation for Economic and Social Growth. The Romanian Experience"
- Finland – ”Cadastre – A Cornerstone of a Functioning National Economy”
- Spain – ”The Role of Cadastres in the Growth of the Spanish Economy”
- Croatia – ”Benefits for the Society by Improving the Croatian Cadastral Data”
- Interactive discussions
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:00 Session 2, Moderator
- Sweden – ”Sustainable and Smart Cadastre”
- Poland - “Cadastral Information in Poland”
- Moldova – “ The Economic Impact of Cadastre in the Republic of Moldova”
- EuroGeographics – ”Information and Update on EuroGeographics Activities”
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 – 16:30 Meeting of the PCC Steering Committee
16:30 – 17:30 Meeting of the Working Group on PCC statute review
19:00 Dinner
June 07, 2019
9:00 – 10:30 Session 3, Moderator
- Austria – ”Economic Aspects of the Real Property Markets”
- Netherlands – ”The Evolving Role of Cadastres and Land Registries Beyond the Registration of Ownership”
- Belgium – ”The Belgian Cadastre: Economic Impact on the National and Local Levels of Society”
- Portugal - “ Portuguese Cadastre: The State of The Art ”.
- Czech Republic – ”Economic Impact and Reliability of the Czech Cadastre”
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12.00 Session 4, Moderator
- EuroGeographics CLRKEN - Summary of the Questionnaire on the "Economic Impact of Cadastre"
- Italy - Economic impact of the cadastral information in the real estate taxation in Italy.
- Ukraine – ”Development and Prospective of State Land Cadastre in Ukraine”
12:00 – 12:30 Conclusions
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
PCC Plenary Meeting
13:30 – 16:00 Moderator: Ileana Spiroiu & Adriana Poggi
- Cooperation with European international organizations:
CLGE – "European Requirements for Property (Cadastral) Surveyors - revision of 2019"
ELRA - "The Economic Importance of Land Registration".
PCC-CLRKen questionary of economical repercussion of cadastre- Results of the Working Group on PCC statute review
- Report on ANCPI Presidency of PCC
- Introduction to Finnish Presidency of PCC (second semester 2019)
- Hand over of PCC flag to the Next Presidency: Finland
Please note that photos or film footage may be taken during the event. By participating in this event, you consent to being photographed or filmed (non-/recognizable) and authorize ANCPI and PCC to use the footage in print, digital, video or web-based format for its promotional and archival purposes.
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting. Vienna.
10:00 – 12:00 Meeting of the extended PCC Steering Committee: Bulgaria, Austria, Romania and Finland
PCC- Conference in Cooperation with EuroGeographics C+LR KEN
11:30 Registration, Lunch
13:00 – 14:00 Franz Resetar, Federal Ministry Digital and Economic Affairs (Opening). Julius Ernst, BEV: “The Legal Boundary Cadastre in Austria”
14:00 – 15:15 Session 1: Moderator: Martin Salzmann (The Netherlands).
15:15 – 15:45 Coffee Break (incl. Family Photo)
15:45 – 17:15 Session 2:Moderator: Pekka Halme (Finland).
19.00 We provide a bus transfer from the BEV to the restaurant.
19:30 Stiegl – Ambulanz (Alser Straße 4,
9:00 – 10:30 Session 3: Moderator: Marcus Wandinger (Germany)
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 12.30 Session 4: Moderator: Julius Ernst (Austria)
- Cyprus
- Spain
- CLGE: "European Requirements for Property (Cadastral) Surveyor Activity - Revision of 2018"
12:00 – 12:20 “Cadastre in Europe – Networks and Platforms”. Daniel Steudler, Chair of CLRKEN
12:20 – 12:30 Final Remarks
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
PPC- Plenary Meeting
13:30 – 16:00
- Results of the discussion on role and structure of the PCC
- Report on Austria´s activities
- Romanian Presidency of the PCC (1st Semester in 2019)
- Hand over of the PCC Flag to Romania
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting. Sofia
Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency
PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting
“Data as a basis of the digital society”
13-15 March 2018
Metropolitan Hotel, SofiaTuesday, 13 March 2018
18:00 – 19:00.- Registration
19:00 – 21:00.- Welcome Reception at Metropolitan Hotel’s Main Restaurant
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
8:00 – 9:00.- Registration. Moderator: Samuil Draganov
9:00 – 9:15.- Welcome addresses
- Nikolay Nankov, Minister of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
- Eng.MIhail Kirov, Executive Director of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency
9:15 – 9:40.- Keynote Speech
- Information system of the GCCA, Data and services – Stefan Petrov, Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency
9:40 – 10:00
- Land Surveying, Mapping & Cadastre in Bulgaria – Emilia Angelova, Secretary General of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency
10:00 – 11:00.- Session I – Quality of the data
- Geospatial capabilities, spatial data and services provided by Military Geographic Service – Marian Markov, Military Geographic Service, Bulgaria
- GIS-Sofia Ltd. - geospatial data, integrated into SOFCAR geographic information system and provision of services, Vania Petrova, Stefan Georgiev, GIS-Sofia Ltd., Bulgaria
- Land Administration in Switzerland – Current and Future Developments - Daniel Steudler, Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo, Switzerland
11:00 – 11:30.- Family Photo, Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00.- Session I (continued)
- Geospatial data' qualities in Bulgaria from the end-users point of view - Lyubka Pashova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
- AREC responsibilities, data and registries and the way of their distribution – Vlatko Dimovski, Agency for real estate cadastre, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
- The cadastral data and National Spatial Data Infrastructure, Associate Professor Dr. Eng. Hristo Dechev, Department of Geodesy and Geoformatics,University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG)
- Activity of geodetic non-governmental organizations in Bulgaria, Kiril Stoyanov, Union of Geodesists in Bulgaria
13:00 – 14:00.- Lunch
14:00 – 15:30.- Session II – Security of the data. Moderator: Dimitar Velichkov
- Incidence map of cadastral issues -Amalia Velasco, Spanish Directorate General for Cadastre, Spain
- Advanced GIS Tools for QC and data quality automation, Evgenia Karadjova, Esri, Bulgaria
- Zlatan Zlatanov, Geokad 93 Ltd. Bulgaria
- Modern geo-information technology platforms for the implementation of the INSPIRE directive, Deyan Baltadzhiev, Mapex Ltd., Bulgaria
15:30 – 16:00.- Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:00.- Session II (continued)
- Quality/security of cadastral index map -Pia Åbo Østergaard, Geodatastyrelsen, Denmark
- Opportunities to use cloud services for the state administration needs, Dobrin Karakolev, State Agency "eGovernment", Bulgaria
- Cadastral system in Poland, Szymon Rymsza, Head office of Geodesy and Cartography, Poland
19:00 – 22:00.- Dinner at Hadjidraganov's Houses Restaurant, ul. "Kozloduy" 75, Sofia Center
- The busses will depart from the hotel at 18.30
Thursday, 15 March 2018
9:00 – 10:30.- Session III – interoperability of the data. Moderator: Neoclis Neocleous
- CLGE and the European Requirements for Property (Cadastral) Surveyor Activity – Vladimir Tikhonov, Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE)
- Interconnection between cadastre and land register - Julius Ernst, BEV- Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying, Austria
- The interoperability semantic model for LR information – IMOLA Project - Jesús Camy, European Land Registry Association (ELRA)
- A marine aspect on the Swedish Real Property Register – marine cadastre -Magdalena Andersson and Marie Forseth, Lantmäteriet, Sweden
10:30 – 11:00.- Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30.- Session III (continued)
- Cross domain interoperability: practical examples and opportunities-Paula Dijkstra, Kadaster, Netherlands
- Interoperability experiences in the Italian cadastral system, Franco Maggio, Agenzia delle Entrate, Italia
- Spatial data interoperability and INSPIRE compliance - the platform approach, Miglena Kuzmanova, BAGIS, Bulgaria
- Reference systems realization for the territory of Bulgaria - Status and Perspectives, Prof. Dr.Eng. Elena Peneva, Department of Geodesy, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG)
12:30– 13:30.- Lunch
13:30 – 14:00.- PCC Plenary Session. Moderator: Samuil Draganov
- Topics of PCC conferences (survey results)
- Introduction to the Presidency to Austria, Julius Ernst, BEV- Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying, Austria
14:00 – 14:10.- Close
15.00 – 19.00.- Sofia Guide Tour
19.30 – 21.30.- Dinner at Metropolitan Hotel’s Main Restaurant
PCC conference and plenary meeting. Tallinn
Welcome and Keynote Speech
- Welcome - Andres Talijärv, Secretary General, Ministry of Environment
- Land Surveying, Mapping & Cadastre in Estonia. Some Milestones - Tambet Tiits, Director General, Land Board
- Free Movement of Data as the 5th Freedom - Janek Rozov, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Session I - Digital Foundation for Land Administration
Chair: Ingmar Vali
- Governmental Interoperability Framework - Arne Ansper, AS Cybernetica, Estonia
- Data-Embassy - Mehis Sihvart, Centre of Registers and Information Systems, Estonia
- Smart ID - Georg Nikolajevski, SK Solutions AS, Estonia
Session I (continued)
- The Land Code – Daniel Steudler, Swisstopo, Swizerland
- Distributed Systems Governance – Bert Beentjes, Kadaster, Netherlands
- Blockchain and Land Registration – Magdalena Andersson, Lantmäteriet, Sweden
- Securing Public Services with Blockchain - Ivo Lõhmus, Guartime, Estonia
Session II – Land Administration Systems in Estonia
Chair: Tõnu Kägo
- Estonian e-Cadastre as Basis for Efficient Land Management – Priit Kuus, Land Board, Estonia
- Electronic Signatures and Blockchain Usuage. The Case of Estonian Land Register. – Ingmar Vali, Centre of Registers and Information Systems, Estonia
- Cadastral Data - User Perspective - Aivar Tomson, Kinnisvaraekspert, Estonia
Session II (continued)
- Acquisition of Land for Rail Baltic – Triinu Rennu/Merje Krinal, Land Board, Estonia
- Land Cadastre and Single Project Vision – Andres Lindemann, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia
- Smooth Approach for Cadastre Building - Villem Alango, Datel-Ovela Group, Estonia
Session III – Newest Trends and Developments in the Cadastre
Chair: Julius Ernst, BEV
- Cadastre 2035 – Views of the Future Cadastre – Pauliina Krigsholm, Maanmittauslaitos, Finland
- Cadastre and the (Professional) Crowd: a Brief Encounter or a Long-Lasting Marriage? – Martin Salzmann, Kadaster, Netherlands
- Improving the Efficiency of Cadastral Valuation Process: the Value of Real Estate Continously Updated – Amalia Velasco, Dirección General del Catastro, Spain
- 3D Property Formation in Sweden – Jesper Paasch, Lantmäteriet, Sweden
Session III (continued)
- New Trends and Developments in the Czech Cadastre - Jaroslav Bačina, Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre.
- eData – from Surveying to Registration - Alvydas Janulevičius, State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Lithuania
- The Strength of Authoritative Data Linked to Public Appointment and European Law – Jean-Yves Pirlot, CLGE
- Public-Private-Partnership in Cadastral Surveying – Maurice Barbieri, CLGE
PCC Plenary Session
Chair: Tambet Tiits
PCC conference and plenary meeting. Malta
The Current Technological Trends in Land Registration. Agenda
- Mr. Rik Wouters (Managing Director EULIS) Land Registration Interconnection Portal – The New Land Information Bridge in Europe
- Mr. Andreas Hadjiraftis (Ag. Chief Lands Officer Cartography / Geodesy / Hydrography).Department of Lands and Surveys, Ministry of Interior,President of Permanent Committee for the Standardisation of Geographical Names of Cyprus) – The new internet services platform as a landmark in the modern history of the Departments of Lands and Surveys
- Ms. Carol Agius ( UN GGIM Europe, Europe Administrator & KEN Coordinator EuroGeographics) The role of Geoportal Information (inlucing Land Administration and Management ) in the SDG’s.
- Ing. Raymond Attard (Assistant Director Planning Authority) & Mr. Omar Hili (Network Administrator / GIS Technologist Planning Authority) – Maltese Mapping, Past & Future
- Mr. Alvis Rudzitis (System Analyst of Division of Restricted Territories, the State Land Service of the Republic of Latvia.) – Introduction to Restricted Territories Information System and registration of restricted territories in Cadastre IS in Latvia
- Profs. Saviour Formosa (Associate Professor within the Department of Criminology, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta) – Emergent Realities of Spatial Information Systems
- Mr.Mihai Taus (ELRA- Member of Board of Directors) – IMOLA – common language for European land registries.
- Mr. Rik Wouters (Managing Director EULIS) - PDOK in approach in relation with the distribution of and access to cadastral information
- PCC Conference. Ms. Amalia Velasco Martín-Varés (International Affairs Coordinator, Spanish Directorate General for Cadastre) - Smart Successful Cadastral New Tools for Real Estate Registration: “all in 16 digits”
- Mr. Franco Maggio (Central Director for Cadastre and Cartography) - Cadastral maps, assisting in aftermath of Italian earthquakes
- Estonian Presidency 2017
PCC conference and plenary meeting. Bratislava
Report of Bratislava joint meeting CLRKEN-PCC
Introduction of Slovak Cadastre Chair: Katarina Leitmannová (Slovakia)
- Welcome address (Maria Frindrichová, President, Geodesy, Cartography and Cadas-tre Authority of the Slovak Republic, Slovakia)
- Key note speaker: and electronic services (Michaela Balážová, Director of the Project Management Office, National Agency for Network and Electronic Services, Slovakia)
- Role of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastral Authority of the Slovak Republic (Katarína Leitmannová, Head of Geodesy and International Relations Department, Slovakia)
- Real Estate Cadastre in Slovakia (Erik Ondrejička, Head of Cadastral Department, Slovakia)
- Results of questionnaire: Data Provision from Cadastre and Land Registry databases (Matúš Fojtl, advisor, Geodesy and International Relations Department, Slovakia) 10:30-11:00 Coffee break CLRKEN Workshop
- Welcome Address and Latest News from EuroGeographics (Mick Cory, Director EuroGeographics)
- Session 1 – Role of CLR for Registration
Chair: Daniel Steudler (Switzerland)
- Integrated Cadastre - Land Registration System and Interaction with Partners – Case Study from Moldova (Angela Matcov, Director, State Enterprise Cadastre, Moldova)
- Organizational and Institutional Aspects –Strengths and Weaknesses of Different Models (Rik Wouters vice-Chair WPLA and Walter de Vries, prof. Technical Universi-ty Munich, Germany)
- Land Registry in the Slovak Republic – Strengths and Weaknesses (Lucia Filagová, State Counsellor, Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority, Slovakia)
- Session 2 – Role of CLR in Relation to Geodata Infrastructure
Chair: Julius Ernst (Austria)
- UN-GGIM : Europe Core Data and its Impact on Cadastral Themes (Dominique Lau-rent, France)
- Role of National CLR Systems in the ELF-Cadastre Project (Amalia Velasco, Spanish Directorate General for Cadastre, Spain)
- Property Valuation in Denmark – New Valuation Model Based on Geographical Vari-ables (Pia Dahl Højgaard, Director, General Danish Geodata Agency, Denmark)
- Session 3 – Role of CLR in Societal Issues
Chair: Oskars Gabrusenoks (Latvia)
- New (digital) Environmental Planning Act in the Netherlands (Martin Salzmann, Strategy and Policy Advisor, Kadaster, Netherlands)
- Statistical Perspective on Cadastre and Land Registration (speaker from Poland to be confirmed)
- Wrapping up of the Marine Cadastre Project: Looking into the Future (Evangelia Balla, Scientific Council, National Cadastre & Mapping Agency S.A., Greece and Rik Wouters, Managing Director, EULIS, Netherlands)
- Using Blockchain Technology for Land Registration (Shota Chachkhunashvili, Deputy Chair, National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR), Georgia)
- Discussion, Wrap-up, Closure CLRKEN Workshop
- Gather in lobby of Austria Trend Hotel for guided walk
- Friday, 18 November 2016 EULIS Conference on the "The Future of EULIS"
- Registration
- Welcome
Pekka Halme, Chair EULIS Board- State of Play EULIS
Rik Wouters, Managing Director EULIS- Results research on the Future of EULIS
Anders Sandin, Coordinator working group EULIS- Progress Interconnection of land registers programme
Gösta Petri, Deputy Head, EU Commission DG Justice (via **video conferencing**)- Experiences European Business Register
Ricco Dun, Chair EBR Board, European Business Register- Case study Slovakia: Information supply on real estate cadastre
Dušan Hanus, cadastre specialist, Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority, Slovakia- New developments in the internet portal of Dutch Kadaster
Gerard Leenders, Senior advisor, Kadaster, Netherlands- Block Chain Technology
Henrik Hjelte, Director, ChromaWay, Sweden- Linked Open Data
Tim Nelissen, Technical advisor, Semaku, Netherlands- View on the future of EULIS.
Magdalena Andersson, Business Developer, Lantmäteriet, Sweden
Julie Barry, Head International department, HMLR, England
Peter Hubalek, Deputy head ICT Department, Ministry of Justice, Austria- Announcement of 2017 Registers of Title Conference, 24-27 October 2017 Edinburgh, Scotland, hosted by Registers of Scotland to celebrate 400 years of Scottish land registration
- Closure EULIS Conference
Pekka Halme, Chair EULIS Board- Role of Cadastre and Land Registration in the Interaction with Partners
Chair: Matúš Fojtl (Slovakia)
- ALKIS – the new standard for real estate cadastre in Germany (Björn Degel, Head of the cadastre department of the Authority for Surveying, Geoinformation and Land Develop-ment of Saarland, Germany)
- Integrated Real Estate Information System (ZSIN) (Szymon Rymsza, Head Office of Geod-esy and Cartography, Poland)
- Digital first! A smarter planning and building process - the real property register as part of the equation (Magdalena Andersson and Marika Ström, Business Developers, Swe-dish Cadastre, Sweden)
- The “back office” of the Spanish cadastre that makes possible the interaction with Part-ners (Amalia Velasco, Spanish Directorate General for Cadastre, Spain)
- Interaction of the surveyors with Land Registry and Cadastre, facts and figures in Europe (Maurice Barbieri, President CLGE, Switzerland)
- PCC Plenary meeting (PCC members and observers only)
Chair: Erik Ondrejička (Slovakia)
- Discussion
- Hand-over of the presidency (Malta)
- Wrap-up
PCC conference and plenary meeting. Amsterdam
- Hans Mommaas - 'Uncertain Futures: How (Smart) Data May Unlock our Imagination (or not..)’ and abstract
- Joep Crompvoets - 'Smart Governance for migrating to a Smart World'
- Frank Tierolff - 'Combining strenghts by partnership'
- Walter Dresscher - 'The natural city' and abstract
- Martin Dubbeling - 'Sustainable Development Goals, Next Economy and Next City' and abstract
- Pekka Halme
- Martijn Rijsdijk - 'High precision positioning as essential innovation in smart cities' and abstract
- Arnold Bregt - 'City in relation with technology and innovation' and abstract
- Evangelia Balla - 'Results of the Marine Cadastre project' and abstract
- Guido de Latte - 'Legal aspects of the Marine Cadastre' and abstract
- Roger Longhorn - 'Marine Spatial Planning' and abstract
- Apostolos Arvantis - 'Marine Cadastre to support marine spatial planning' and abstract
- Maurice Barbieri
- Magdalena Andersson - 'Marine cadastre: the Swedish case' and abstract
- Nicolas Smith - 'Marine cadastre: the French case' and abstract
- James Kavanagh
- Margarida Abecasis - 'The achievements of ISA and ISA2' and abstract
- Alasdair Lewis
- Bart Beentjes - 'Geodata as part of the ecosystem of the web'
- Jesús Camy - 'Results of the IMOLA-project' and abstract
- Dorus Kruse - 'PDOK: a case study' and abstract
- Ingrid Vanden Berghe - presentation and abstract
- Mick Cory - 'The European Location Service' and abstract
- Ingmar Vali - abstract
- Sjef van Erp - 'Legal aspects of a Smart World' and abstract
- Rik Wouters - 'e-Justice: interconnection of land registers' and abstract
- Carlos Alonso and Pedro Fandos - 'Spanish Cadastre and Property Rights Registry: a smart model of coordinated interaction' and abstract
- Freek van Krevel - 'e-government at European level'
- Jacques Vos - 'Block chain technology: does it help?' and abstract
- David Henderson - 'Remaining Relevant in the Digital Age' and abstract
PCC conference and plenary meeting. Luxemburg
- The separation of church and State in Luxembourg A mission for the Cadastre
- Ubiquity vs Quality
- The cadastral division of co-owned buildings in Luxembourg
- Cadastre : the guaranty for historical researches to insure properties
- The separation of church and State in Luxembourg A mission for the Cadastre
- Save the date
- Official Surveying in Luxembourg
- Luxembourg’s national geoportal and its new state-of-the-art viewer
- Marine Cadastre: A support to the Blue Economy?
- - Cadastral databases, - Update procedures, - Data exchange techniques
- Latest Developments in Spanish Cadastral Services to citizens and administrations
- Land Administration and Management
- Luxembourg’s Spatial Data Infrastructure
- Land consolidation at the service of sustainable land managementice national du Remembrement
PCC conference and plenary meeting. Riga, Latvia.
Tuesday, May 12
09:50 – 11:00 SESSION I - DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR LAND ADMINISTRATION. Chair: Elita Baklane – Ansberga, Director General of the State Land Service, Latvia
10:10 – 10:30 Latvia`s Digital Accomplishments - Foundation for the Future Growth. Uldis Tatarčuks, Chief Technology Officer of Lattelecom, Latvia
10:30 – 10:50 Development Towards Dynamic Cadastre Information System in Latvia. Elita Baklane – Ansberga, Director General of the State Land Service, Latvia
11:30 – 12:40 SESSION II – NEW SOURCES AND QUALITY OF CADASTRAL DATA – 1 Chair: Viesturs Aigars, Project Manager of the State Land Service, Latvia
11:30 – 11:50 Towards a Comprehensive and Continuously Updated Swedish Cadastre Kristin Land, Coordinator of Research and International Relations of Lantmäteriet, Sweden
11:50 – 12:10 Integrated Use and Re-Use of Legal, Fiscal and Spatial Cadastral Data in the Cyprus Integrated Land Information System. Neoclis Neocleous, Senior Lands Officer of Department of Lands and Surveys, Cyprus
12:10 – 12:30 Use of LiDAR and other Techniques to Detect the Changes in the Territory for the Cadastral Regularization Procedure. A Way to Combat Real Property Tax Fraud and Boost Local Finance. Amalia Velasco Martín-Varés, International Affairs Coordinator of Spanish Directorate General for Cadastre
13:40 – 14:45 SESSION III - NEW SOURCES AND QUALITY OF CADASTRAL DATA – 2 Chair: Viesturs Aigars, Project Manager of the State Land Service, Latvia
13:40 – 14:00 CitiGeo: Citizen Participation in Cadastral Surveying. Marc Nicodet, Head of Federal Directorate of Cadastral Surveying, Federal Office of Topography Swisstopo, Switzerland
14:00 – 14:20 Evolution of the Quality of the Cadastral Map in the Netherlands: Balancing Users' Demands and Process Optimization. Martin Salzmann, Director of Strategy and Policy, Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency, the Netherlands
14:20 – 14:35 Monitoring of Buildings and Land Use Types with Remote Sensing Data. Aldis Rausis, Manager of Cadastral Development of the State Land Service, Latvia
15:00 – 17:00 SESSION IV – OPEN DATA IN RELATION TO THE CADASTRAL AND ADDRESS DATA Chair: Julius Ernst, Deputy Director of Division for Verification and Cadastral Offices, BEV- Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying, Austria
15:00 – 15:20 Overview of the Open Data Questionnaire 2015. Viesturs Aigars, Project Manager of the State Land Service, Latvia
Wednesday, May 13
09:00 – 10:40 SESSION V – ESSENTIONAL CADASTRAL ACTIVITIES Chair: Aldis Rausis, Manager of Cadastral Development of the State Land Service, Latvia
09:00 – 09:20 Planned Changes to Registration of Data Concerning Real Property. Vibeke Stærdahl Nielsen, Surveyor of Danish Geodata Agency
09:20 – 09:45 Introducing 3D Properties and Building Digital Customer Processes. Pekka Halme, Director of Strategic Development of National Land Survey of Finland
09:45 – 10:05 Integrated Processing of Digital Cadastral Data in Lithuania. Rimantas Ramanauskas, Deputy Director General of the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Lithuania . Alvydas Janulevicius, Chief Expert on Real Property Surveying of State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Lithuania
10:05 – 10:30 “Estonian e-Cadastre,Cadastral Workbench Overview for Electronic Proceedings”. Priit Kuus, Deputy Head of Department of Land Cadastre of Estonian Land Board
11:00 – 12:20 SESSION VI – COOPERATION WITH INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Chair: Dave Lovell, Secretary General and Executive Director, EuroGeographics, Belgium
11:00 – 11:10 EULIS: Update on the Interconnection of Land Registers and Cadastres. Rik Wouter, EULIS Managing Director, the Netherlands
11:10 – 11:30 ELF Main Achievements - Emphasis on Themes Cadastral Parcels, Buildings and Addresses. Dominique Laurent, INSPIRE expert, Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestière, France
11:30 – 11:50 Enhancing Our 3D-Abilities: Lessons Learned from the Interest Group. Martin Salzman, President of EuroSDR, Belgium
11:50 – 12:10 Marine Cadastre, a Step in the Future of the Blue Economy. Maurice Barbieri, President of CLGE, Belgium
13:00 – 14:30 PCC PLENARY SESSION Chair: Elita Baklane – Ansberga, Director General of the State Land Service, Latvia
13:00 – 13:30 Summary of the Latvian Presidency of the PCC
13:30 – 13:45 Presentation by the Incoming Luxembourg Presidency
13:45 – 14:00 Handover Insignia
14:00 – 14:30 Closing of the PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting
PCC conference and plenary meeting. Roma.
Thursday, 20 November
Session 1 -The real estate information system managed by Agenzia delle Entrate
Chair: Franco Maggio, Central Director for Cadastre and Cartography, Agenzia delle Entrate10:00 – 10:15
The Italian cadastral system as a support to land management
Franco Maggio, Central Director for Cadastre and Cartography, Agenzia delle Entrate, Italy10:15 – 10:30
The evolution of the cartographic system for land management
Flavio Ferrante, Head of Cartographic Services Sector, Central Directorate Cadastre and Cartography, Agenzia delle Entrate, Italy10:30 – 10:45
Updating of the Building Cadastre through the IT application «Docfa»
Lucio Tropia, Head of Services Development Office, Central Directorate Cadastre and Cartography, Agenzia delle Entrate, Italy11:30 – 11:45
The Italian experience of the Real estate market Observatory
Gianni Guerrieri, Central Director Real Estate Market Observatory and Appraisal Services, Agenzia delle Entrate, Italy11:45 – 12:00
The land registration system in Italy – Principles, organization and evolution
Aldo de Luca, Central Director Land Registration and Legal Affairs, Agenzia delle Entrate, Italy12:00 – 12:15
Innovation, quality and improvement of cadastral services
Cristiano Cannarsa, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Sogei – Società Generale d’Informatica SpA, Italy12:45 – 13:00
Session 2 – Cadastral data quality recovery to foster the integration of real estate information
Chair: Pekka Halme, Director of Strategic Development, National Land Survey, Finland15:00 – 15:15
Consistency and completeness of cadastral data in the perspective of an integrated real estate system
Marco Garcea, Head of Projects Sector, Central Directorate Cadastre and Cartography, Agenzia delle Entrate, Italy15:15 – 15:30
Polish integrated system of information on real estate and impact of the quality of cadastral data on the process of establishing it
Jarosław Wysocki, Director of Real Estate Information Department, Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography, Poland15:30 – 15:45
The cadastral information system of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency
Stefan Petrov, Head of GIS Department, Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency, Bulgaria15:45 – 16:00
The use of ‘boundary delimitation’ maps made by private surveyors for the updating of the cadastral data
Marc Vanderschueren, Director/Surveyor in charge of the International Relations, General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation (Cadastre-Registration-Mortgage Service), Belgium16:00 – 16:15
The Spanish cadastre: collaborative maintenance and dissemination
Amalia Velasco, International Affairs Coordinator, Directorate General for Cadastre, SpainFriday, 21 November
Session 3 – The address registers and the cadastral data bases
Chair: Julius Ernst - Deputy Director of Division for Verification and Cadastral Offices, BEV- Bundesamt für Eich-und Vermessungswesen, Austria9:30 – 9:45
The national archive of urban street numbers (ANNCSU)
Paolo Benetton, Head of IT Relations Office, Central Directorate Cadastre and Cartography, Agenzia delle Entrate, Italy9:45 – 10:00
Address register in connection with cadastral information system
Viesturs Aigars, Project Manager, Data Analysis and Exchange Division, State Land Service, Latvia10:00 – 10:15
Addresses in Sweden – Description of the update process and the collaboration with the Swedish municipalities
Ulrika Roos, Business Developer, Geographic and Land Information Division, Lantmäteriet - The mapping, cadastral and land registration authority, Sweden10:15 – 10:30
Latest developments in Polish register of addresses
Ewelina Brzezińska, Specialist, Department of Information Properties, Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography, Poland10:30 – 10:45
The registry of territorial identification, addresses and real estates
Jaroslav Bačina, Regional Director, Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, Czech RepublicSession 4 – Cooperation with the other international organizations
Chair: Evangelia Balla, Member of Scientific Council, National Cadastre and Mapping Agency S.A., Greece11:45 – 12:00
Portal of the coastline and the sea, the French solution
Nicolas Smith, Vice President, Council of European Geodetic Surveyors -CLGE12:00 – 12:15
The merger of cadastre and land registry in a wider perspective
Rik Wouters, Member of the Bureau, WPLA12:15 – 12:30
Hand-in-hand, we can achieve great things!
Dave Lovell, Executive Director, EuroGeographicsFinal session focussed on the Permanent Committee on Cadastre
14:00 – 15:30
PCC Plenary Meeting
15:30 – 15:45
15:45 – 16:00
PCC conference and plenary meeting. Greece.
- Welcome message. Hellenic Presidency of the PCC.
- Welcome keynote address. Prof. Ioannis Maniatis, Minister of Environment, Energy & Climate Change
- Current Status of the Hellenic Cadastre.Elias Liakopoulos, Chairman of the BoD & Managing Director, NCMA S.A., GREECE
- The Hellenic Cadastre Project towards 2020: Planning the future.Dimitris Rokos, Director of Planning and Investment Programmes, NCMA S.A., GREECE
- LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN EUROPEAN CADASTRAL SYSTEMS II: Chair: Panos Lolonis, Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Hellenic Presidency of the PCC. Rapporteur: Kristin Land, Lantmäteriet, Sweden
- Serving users needs for appropriate cadastral information – The Austrian approach. Julius Ernst, Deputy Director of Division for Verification and Cadastral Offices, BEV‐Federal. Office for Metrology and Surveying, AUSTRIA
- Upgrading the Cyprus integrated Land Information System. Neoclis Neocleous, Senior Land Officer/LIS Manager, Department of Lands & Surveys, CYPRUS
- The Estonian Cadastre in the digital era. Priit Kuus, Deputy Head of Department of Land Cadastre, Estonian LandBoard, ESTONIA
- Recent developments and trends in the German cadastre. Marcus Wandinger, Secretary General, Working Committee of the Surveying Authorities of the Länder of the Federal Republic of Germany (AdV), GERMANY
- LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN EUROPEAN CADASTRAL SYSTEMS III. Chair: Panos Lolonis, Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Hellenic Presidency of the PCC. Rapporteur: Kristin Land, Lantmateriet, Sweden
- Provision of Electronic Cadastral Data for the Administration of Municipalities Rimantas Ramanauskas, Deputy Director General, State Enterprise Centre of Registers, LITHUANIA
- Two new important procedures in the Spanish Cadastre. Amalia Velasco, International Affairs Coordinator, Spanish Directorate General for Cadastre, SPAIN
- The role of publicly appointed surveyors in the European Cadastral Systems. Clemens Kiepke, Publicly appointed Surveyor from Germany, The Council of European Geodetic Surveyors, CLGE
- Reorganizing the National Cadastral Agency to Achieve a Better Effect in the Society Pekka Halme, Director of Strategic Development, National Land Survey of Finland, FINLAND
- The Cadastral Template with Web 2.0 Technology. Daniel Steudler, Swiss Delegate to FIG‐Commission 7, Chair of FIG‐TF “Spatially Enabled Society”, FIG
- THE ROLE OF MULTIPURPOSE CADASTRES, GEOINFORMATION SYSTEMS & NSDI IN MARITIME POLICIES AND BLUE GROWTH. Chair: Annie Katsina, National Cadastre & Mapping Agency S.A., Greece. Rapporteur: Martin Salzmann, Kadaster, Netherlands
- The Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning: A support for Blue Growth and sustainability Sylvain Gambert, Policy Officer, Directorate‐General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Maritime Policy Baltic and North Sea – Maritime Spatial Planning, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
- Seabed Information Systems: Presentation of the project of a coastal and maritime portal in France. Nicolas Smith, Géomètre‐Expert, OGE, The Council of European Geodetic Surveyors, CLGE
- Design and Implementation of the Marine Cadastre in Greece. Apostolos Arvanitis & Ioanna Parri, Department of Cadastre, Photogrammetry and Cartography, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), GREECE
- SAME SEAS, DIFFERENT COASTLINES: Disparities in the national demarcations of coastlines across the EU and their legal and policy implications. Rachelle Alterman, Professor, Technion Institute of Technology, Initiator and Head of the EUMed strategic project "Mare Nostrum", ISRAEL
- FROM “CADASTRE 2014” TO “CADASTRE 2034”. Chair: Dimitris Rokos, National Cadastre & Mapping Agency S.A., Greece. Rapporteur: Neocles Neocleous, Department of Lands & Surveys, Cyprus
- Status of the Swedish cadastre in relation to “Cadastre 2014”. Kristin Land, Cadastral Services Division, Lantmateriet – the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority, SWEDEN
- From Cadastre 2014 to Cadastre 2034: The Slovak Republic perspective Matúš Fojtl, International Relations Department Officer, Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
- Benchmarking of the Hellenic Cadastre with respect to Cadastre 2014 and future prospects. Panos Lolonis, Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Hellenic Presidency of the PCC
- Cadastre 2014: A successful story in Switzerland. Daniel Steudler, Licensed Cadastral Land Surveyor, Swiss Federal Office of Topography, Federal Directorate for Cadastral Surveying, SWITZERLAND
- FROM “CADASTRE 2014” TO “CADASTRE 2034”. Chair: Dimitris Rokos, National Cadastre & Mapping Agency S.A., Greece. Rapporteur: Neocles Neocleous, Department of Lands & Surveys, Cyprus.
- Further steps of development to Cadastre 2034. Jürg Kaufmann, Co‐author of “Cadastre 2014”
- Towards Cadastre 2034: Challenges and opportunities. Martin Salzmann, Director of Strategy and Policy, Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency of the Netherlands (Kadaster), NETHERLANDS
- New Technologies in Land Administration Chryssy Potsiou, WPLA Bureau Member, FIG Vice‐President, UNECE WPLA
- Prior cadastral identification in the Kingdom of Belgium and the use of the reference of a boundary delimitation map Marc Vanderschueren, Advisor/Surveyor, Directorate of the Cell of the International Affairs of the General Administration of the Patrimonial Documentation, BELGIUM
- Overview of the status of Cadastral Systems with respect to Cadastre 2014 and visions for future Cadastres. Panos Lolonis, Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Hellenic Presidency of the PCC
- COOPERATION AMONG EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS: CURRENT PROJECTS. Chair: Annie Katsina, National Cadastre & Mapping Agency S.A., Greece. Rapporteur: Julius Ernst, BEV‐Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying, Austria
- A Vision for Land Governance and Cooperation in Europe. Elshad Khanalibayli, Chair of UNECE Working Party on Land Administration, UNECE WPLA
-, a project by European Surveyors for the Society Maurice Barbieri, Chair of IG‐PARLS, Board Member of The Council of European Geodetic. Surveyors, CLGE
- Making the EULIS‐platform more attractive Rik Wouters, Managing Director, EULIS
- The European Land Registry Association – Current Projects. Alasdair Lewis, President, European Land Registry Association, ELRA
- A global initiative for a transparent and efficient property market: IPMS‐C. Ken Creighton, RICS Director of Professional Standards, IPMSC Chair, IPMS‐C
- EXPLORING THE FUTURE OF THE CADASTRE IN THE EU. Chair: Evangelia Balla, Chair of the Committee of the Hellenic Presidency of the PCC. Rapporteur: Pekka Halme, National Land Survey of Finland, Finland.
- Inspired cadastre ‐ progress and challenges. Robert Konrad, Head of Unit Governance, Information and Reporting from Directorate General of Environment, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
- Land Registers Interconnection. Karina Chamakhova, IT Project Manager ‐ European e‐Justice Portal, Unit B2 (Criminal Law), DG Justice, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
- A European perspective in Cadastre – are we prepared?. Julius Ernst, Chair of the Cadastre and Land Registry Knowledge Exchange Network, EUROGEOGRAPHICS.
- The Common Vision on Cadastre & Land Registry in Europe: Next Steps. HELLENIC PRESIDENCY OF THE PCC
- Exploring the future role of the PCC in the E.U.: Facts and Challenges. Evangelia Balla, Chair of the Committee of the Hellenic Presidency of the PCC
- Summary of the activities of the Hellenic Presidency & reports by session chairs
- Presentation by the incoming Italian Presidency
- Handover Insignia
PCC conference and plenary meeting. Vilnius.
CLGE sings the paper vision of PCC, EuroGeographics, ELRA and EULIS
- Conference day 1, 22 October 2013
- Session I. Lithuanian Presidency – Facts and Challenges
Chair Rimantas Ramanauskas, Deputy Director General, State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Lithuania
- Lithuanian Macroecomic Review
Rūta Rodzko, Head of Economics and Financial Stability Service, the Bank of Lithuania- Regional and Urban Development
Mindaugas Pakalnis, Chief Architect, Sweco Lietuva- Session II. Sustainable Real Property Administration
Chair Romualdas Kasperavičius, Deputy Director for Real Property Cadastre and Register, State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Lithuania
- Land Management Activities of the National Land Service
Vaidas Pakalka, Deputy Director, National Land Service, Lithuania- Integration of Public Service Procedures and Use of Cadastral Data
Signe Rudzite, Head of Cadastre and Registry Department, the State Land Service, Latvia- Real Property Valuation and Use of Valuation Data
Andres Juss, Head of Department of Real Estate Valuation, the Land Board, Estonia- Fulfilling Your Mission in the Digital Era
Arvo Kokkonen, Director General, National Land Survey, Finland- Combined Processes for Detailed Planning and Cadastre Procedure – an Example on E-Government
Ewa Swensson, Senior Adviser of Cadastral Development, Lantmateriet, Sweden- Session III. Trends In E-Services
Chair Peter Creuzer, Director State Survey and Geospatial Basic Information, LGLN, Germany
- Municipal E-Services for Society
Eglė Rimkienė, Deputy Chief of Address Register Data Administration Division, State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Lithuania- IT Solutions at the Centre of Registers
Arvydas Šėmys, Head of Information Technologies Centre, State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Lithuania- Integrated Cadastre and Register – a Tool for E-Services in Land Administration
Romualdas Kasperavičius, Deputy Director for Real Property Cadastre and Register, State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Lithuania- Mass Valuation Data for Government, Citizens and Business
Arvydas Bagdonavičius, Deputy Director for Property Valuation, State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Lithuania- Session IV. Surveyors Today And Tomorrow
Chair Julius Ernst, Deputy Director of Cadastre, Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying, Austria
- The European Surveyor, Today and Tomorrow
Jean-Yves Pirlot, President of Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE)- Recent Developments in Use and Dissemination of Geospatial Data in Germany - Example Lower Saxony
Peter Creuzer, Director State Survey and Geospatial Basic Information, State Office for Geoinformation and Land Development Lower Saxony, Germany- Surveys in Lithuania - Past and Future
Rimantas Ramanauskas, Vice-President of Lithuanian Association of Surveyors, Lithuania- LITPOS – GPS Permanent Network
Eimuntas Kazimieras Paršeliūnas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania- Conference Day 2, 23 October 2013
- Session V. Cooperation Of European Institutions
Chair John Carpenter, Director of Strategy, Ordnance Survey, UK
- UN-GGIM: United Nations Initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management
John Carpenter, Director of Strategy, Ordnance Survey, UK- EUROGEOGRAPHICS
Dave Lovell, EuroGeographics Secretary General and Executive Director- European Land Registry Association: Current Developments and Future Plans
Alasdair Lewis, ELRA President- Future of EULIS -Towards Realisation of Our Ambition
Rik Wouters, Managing Director of EULIS EEIG- Session VI. PCC Plenary. Handover of PCC insignia.
Closing of Conference Chair Rimantas Ramanauskas, Deputy Director General, State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Lithuania
- Presentation by Incoming Presidency Greece - Video.
Handover of the PCC Insignia to Greece