About Us

One of the conclusions of the "First Congress on Cadastre in the European Union" held in May 2002 under the auspices of the Programme of Activities of the Spanish Presidency of the E.U., was to propose the creation and start-up of the "Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union"

As a result of this decision, in a meeting held on 14 October 2002 at the headquarters of the Joint Research Centre in Ispra (Italy), the representatives of the institutions responsible for cadastre in the fifteen Member States of the European Union agreed to formally constitute the "Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union"

See the Session minute.

The permanent secretariat is currently the responsibility of the cadastre of Romania. pcc_secretariat@ancpi.ro

Our mission

To create an adequate space in which to promote the full awareness of the activities developed by the European Union and the Member States related with Cadastre and, by means of this information, to develop strategies and propose common initiatives with the aim of achieving greater co-ordination among the different European cadastral systems and their users.

Our objetives

The main objectives of the Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union are:

  • To constitute a network of information on Cadastre to facilitate the exchange of information, expertise and best practices among the members of the Permanent Committee on Cadastre: The directors of the Institutions that form part of the Permanent Committee will exchange available information, either in response to specific querie raised by other members, or by the general distribution of information to all members. Members will answer any survey and questionnaire that may be conducted in order to improve this information. 

  • To represent a privileged link between cadastral institutions and the organs of the European Union and other entities requiring cadastral information to carry out their activities: One of the principal functions of the Committee will be to study and present to the organs of the European Union co-ordinated proposals on diverse aspects affecting territorial databases. This function will be especially important when the subject of debate are proposed European regulations scheduled for future approval. 

    In this regard, the Permanent Committee can also play an important role as point of contact for companies developing software or other commonly used products, to attempt to create a more standard demand. This same initiative can be applied to cost studies of these products when they are distributed throughout the different Member States.

To achieve these objectives, the Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union will follow a system of specialisation consisting of:
  • Focusing its work exclusively on the Cadastre and on the users of cadastral information.
  • Limiting its activity to the Member States of the European Union and to the candidate countries for adhesion.
  • Limiting the representation of each Member States to a single institution per country.
    It is the prerogative of each Member States to select the institution that will represent it.


Common vision

An agreement "Common vision" for cooperation on cadastre and land registry issues

EuroGeographics, ELRA, CLGE and PCC, together sign this vision document.

  • Logo EuroGeographics
  • Logo ELRA
  • Logo CLGE
  • Logo PCC
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